Become a BIM professional with the GoPillar Academy BIM Autodesk Revit course

“Training in the Building Information Modeling field, becoming a BIM professional, and taking a course are strategic choices that can allow you to carve out a leading role in the design sector. In the next few years, transformations in the professional design world regarding design processes, construction, and management of the building environment will affect both experienced and inexperienced professionals alike.”


How to improve your Building Information Modeling skills with the complete GoPillar’s Academy BIM Autodesk Revit course and become a BIM professional

BIM is one of many aspects of the transition from an “analog” to a “digital” setting. This change is part of a larger phenomenon, known as the Fourth Industrial Revolution. It is a professional and cultural revolution that will radically transform the world of work, particularly the world of freelancers.

Building Information Modeling is a significant advancement in the great digital revolution for the construction sector. For this reason, thinking about BIM as a mere software tool is misleading. The transition from manual drawing to CAD occurred in the 90’s, which paved the way for CAD to give way to BIM. Today, the transformation does not only concern representation tools, as in the transition from manual drawing to CAD. Rather, it involves all the processes of production, from city management and monitoring building use. This transformation requires specific training to be understood and managed; training that only a complete BIM course can give you.

The GoPillar Academy BIM Autodesk Revit course is a high quality training product that seeks to answer all the questions that tomorrow’s professionals are beginning to ask themselves today.

“The GoPillar Academy online course’s main objective is to provide designers with the lessons of Denise Damiani, a young Italian architect who graduated in EU Architecture in 2013 at the University of Rome La Sapienza, with a degree thesis developed between Rome and Hangzou. Consequently, students will be equipped with all the necessary tools to benefit from the different BIM procedures.”

Each lesson is followed by a short summary and questions that allows designers to self-test to better facilitate learning. These tests help to “certify” each individual module and deal with subsequent concepts with all the theoretical and practical skills necessary.

Want to learn how to design in the BIM field with Autodesk REVIT software and become a BIM professional afterwards?

Enroll NOW to GoPillar’s Academy BIM Revit complete course and learn how to design in BIM for only 60 USD for a limited time!